Welcome to October!

1 Oct

“I woke up to October like it was Christmas: too early and too excited.”

That was my post to Twitter at 7:28 a.m. when, after being wide awake and staring blankly at the ceiling too ashamed to get out of bed so early on a Saturday, I caved.

I funneled under the covers to tweet my excitement but not yet wake my husband, and then I climbed out of bed, turned the thermostat up to 73 degrees, grabbed a hoodie and a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and settled on the couch.

It’s October, y’all! My most favorite month of the year. And I want to savor every last crumb and crumble of it as if it were a Panera shortbread cookie. (If you’ve ever had one, you know it’s not even hyperbolic for me to say that!)

So I’m kicking off the week with a rundown of my Upcoming October Highlights. All the reasons why I am looking forward to this lovely autumn month:


  1. Tomorrow marks the 90-day countdown to our move. If you miss it, yep, we are moving to Saint Louis in January. STL here we come 🙂
  2. MBH and I are going to see Switchfoot in concert on Wednesday. Only five short days away! Every year or so, for as long as I’ve been of concert-going age, Switchfoot has been in Ohio on or around my birthday. I can’t imagine how this concert is going to top the last one I went to in Cincy with Amanda Eason, but in faith, somehow I know it will. Those guys get better every time. And their recently released album Vice Verses is reason enough to believe this. show. will. rock.
  3. My officemate/distant cousin is getting married a week from tomorrow….which we all just  found out about three days ago. Yeah. It’s one of those “why wait?” situations. God is making it so clear that she and her man should go ahead and get married. God is even orchestrating outside circumstances to push them forward in the process. I am so incredibly happy for them. More than that, I have the amazing honor of standing beside her as a witness to her covenant union to him. I am honored that she values our friendship so greatly. I want to speak words of life and encouragement into her that special day. I’m looking forward to lifting them up in prayer as they embark on this lifelong classroom called marriage.
  4. I feel like #4 should be #1, but for the sake of chronology… MBH and I will be celebrating one glorious year of marriage on October 16. Our first anniversary!  🙂
  5. In celebration of our 1st anniversary, we will be road-tripping up to Geneva-on-the-Lake for a weekend of lodge and lakeside relaxation. This area has the best wineries and vineyards of the region (maybe even the state). local food, a beautiful lakeside, and good wine pretty much constitutes a great time for the two of us. Here’s to praying for no rain!
  6. On October 20, I will celebrate a quarter-century of life. That’s right, birthday birthday! I’m blessed to celebrate another eventful year of life.

So there it is folks, all the incredibly exiting happenings ready to unfold in the month of October alone. I am excited to see the goodness of God unfold in front of my eyes right along with everything else.

I’ll try to stay plugged in here at the blog as we walk through all of the times of celebration. So, hang in there! and if you don’t hear from me for a while, don’t hesitate to drop me a line. Wherever I am, I’m usually never very far from my Macbook. Such is my life.

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